I’ll never forget the moment That I cost that man his life I was the clever surgeon you see I was the one with the knife I let him slip away and die Due to pressure and lack of sleep I can still see his face And it still makes me weep They gave me the death certificate to sign An upsetting sight to see I completed it and signed my name And wrote cause of death “Me” I couldn’t cope after that I'd killed a man for sure I couldn’t work, couldn’t sleep And for me there was no cure I lost my job, lost my home I even lost my wife I had no friends to turn to I'd just worked all my life So I wandered about the streets and every day Id roam Until I met others like me They taught me to build a new home The found me cardboard and newspaper and some led to sell They shared what they had with love And with hints to keep me well They came to help me and move me When the law people invaded our home But we just moved on, looked after each other And found a new place to roam I could get any money, ‘Cos I had no address I could get a job ‘Cos I was such a mess I’m grateful to all those people who do not finish their food, They bin it, I find it, I share it With my loyal friends, it good! Don’t be mistaken, I do not complain So please, for me, don’t be sad I’m warm and alive and my friends are the best I’ve ever had I saved many lives in my time And to the people who have saved mine, I’ll cry “Thank you for not walking by me Not deciding who I was and why” I’m having a new education now The old one’s no good where I roam I help new comers all I can now Show them how to build a new home As folk walk by me, I hear them Complaining of life, and what’s wrong I smile and say, I am grateful for mine Cos this is where I belong I do drink alcohol, you know It keeps me warm, numb and calm I hate its taste, have you seen me? And just decided who I am? So I wonder if you have met me yet And if you did, what would you do? Or have you passed me already That is perhaps up to you I wonder if you’d recognise me Cant describe my clothes, or I would My clothes may change as someone needs them Cos they’re new and need them and food Well keep an eye out for me I’ll nod as you go by And I hope you have friends as good as mine And that your are warm and dry. Take care x By Linda Anderson dedicated to the street people, who teach us all ! Poem
“Are you, Do you?” Did you know you could choose your own scenery. The scenery of your life! What type of scenery surrounds your life? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have tall, green trees, the sunshine and birds singing their beautiful song or do you have grey smog and barriers and walls which are high and long Do you have freedom, bliss and happiness As you sing your way through the trees Or do your have tones of misery and worry And as you work till you fall on your knees Do you have smiles for everyone, laughter and cheer and you dance in the moonlight each night Or do you have tears and what’s worse, fears With the stars and the moon out of sight Do you shine your skills brightly in your world, being free letting all see your plight Or do you hide your skills, unsure and reserved And keep your light out of sight There are so many places you could have been- So why are you here, that’s the thing And what is your purpose in this earthly world And what abilities and skills did you bring Are you using them for a society that dictates what people need Or are you using them independently, choosing the ones you feed Are you free to love and laugh and care In any way you choose Or do others place rules upon your soul Which they, so sadly, abuse Are you creating your own world, with skills flowing every day Serving your life purpose in what is your own special way Setting your self up to care, to change the world where you can Not allowing others to dictate what they accept or bann You are here for a reason and only you can do that deed So open your heart and connect with your spirit and decide who and how you feed Shine your light so brightly that those who need it can see And complete your life by saying, I did it, simply as me. Rise each and every morning, with love and the light being your goal And Make your journey beautiful, you’re choosing your scenery for your soul By Linda Anderson THE TWO SHIPS Channelled information ....Corina through Linda L Anderson August 2011 and November 2012) Starting From 2012 and continuing , everything comes out into the light. Everything from politics and religion through to individual and personal experiences. As you proceed in next few years.Whatever you believed before will be challenged, you will need to re-evaluate your life and the people and circumstances in it. You will need to look at your obstacles, your motives, your skills and abilities, your purpose. It is as though someone switches the light on and you suddenly see around you for the first time You clearly see the area that you have been previously trying to find your way through in the dark It is the naturally allocated time to prepare. Preparation has been taking place for some time now, giving you numerous opportunities to.look within yourself. It's vital that you do this . I communicated before describing the situation in earth as, THE TWO SHIPS and each individual person having to choose which ship they are on. It is as simple as this-you either decide to be on the vibration of love as a human, or not. It is this clear cut. You are either vibrating in love or fear. So here is the description ........ There are two ships coming into earth’s harbour. We all choose which ship we are sailing on in life. Both sail soon and travel in different direction, for they have different aims, different intentions and different people aboard. They are opposites. One ship is filled with goodness, truth and light, fuelled with the ability to help others on their life journey in different ways with people eagerly displaying wonderful skills, compassion and love. The other ship is fuelled with selfishness, resentment, misplaced ego, wrong acts and, at best, misplaced and self gaining reasons for attempting to do good. The people in this ship follow orders from unsavoury people who are typical of that ship and it's controlling beings . Let me keep in simple and be direct. The choice is you're ,you are boarding one ship or the other. THERE IS NO NEUTRAL By doing nothing to stop evil puts you on the side of it, as does your silence of compliance . One difficulty is that people are not aware of the choice they are being given therefore emotions are roller coasting. People are having experiences that they have never had before. They are seeing things in people and situations that they seemed blind to before. They may even be in shock about this. When they ask to be shown a clearer, more true picture, they are very shocked at what they observe, so be prepared before you ask this. Another difficulty is that some people are between the two ships and are struggling in the water, they look for help, searching for direction, just hoping to be saved by someone or something .Unfortunately they ask both ships to help them, they do not know the difference between one ship or the other as they have not searched for or looked at the differences, although opportunity has been there to observe or enquire into both . The ship you choose is vital as it's a vibration and an acceptance of what resonates with you. It's becomes a clear cut choice between the ship of love and trust in all that is, nature, truth, the true essence of spirit , of connection and harmony OR the ship controlled by misuse of powers who force their rules of compliance, suffering , isolation and human and spiritual disconnection for their own gain. They aim to de-humanise, clone and create all that is artificial . A robotic complying controlled roll out of what used to be human beings . Some people will not want to see this at first but eventually they can no longer look away . It is all around them . Truth can no longer be hidden , light can no longer be avoided. As far as the people in the water go, they are very confused . They know not which way to go or what to believe through their own decision not to look , listen or enquire into . They look away , take nothing to do with it , then their head away and allow the evil deeds to continue daily . Unfortunately, people from both ships throw them life jackets! Fear may result in them choosing the evil ship . Their personal insecurities make them look for instructions as this is what humans often do when in a fearful or confused state . There are none so blind as those who refuse to see and those who do nothing are ultimately responsible for the events and have played their part by their eerie silence . There are however caring people who.help.the people in the water who are confused. They shed light on the situation and present truths. Some will welcome the truths and other will reject them. These people in the water only have the opportunity to be helped for so long because the ships begin to part and go their separate ways and will never meet . At some point the help needs to stop as it becomes harmful to the helpers who will know that they have done their best. They have given all they have from their hearts, even though attacks are imminent and ongoing as some people are not ready for truths and attack those trying to save them . Once they see this more clearly it wil!.be too.late..They will.already be in an existence of total control an trapped there and no less than an evil environment . Some are wiser – they have boarded the ship of love , truth , freedom, spirituality and humanity immediately . They are the clear seers, the ones who have searched for and informed themselves of the truths that are in plain sight and once seen cannot be unseen. The insights are there if they choose to look, listen and be open . Others may eventually see the truth and realise what has taken place and work to diminish their unfounded fears and run onto ship of light , truth and love realising the world of lies they were part of . However they may be too late . However , there will come a point where both ships leave the harbour. They are travelling in completely opposite directions and will never meet not be able to communicate with each other as they exist in two different vibrations . This is why it is more difficult to communicate with people that you did before . it will be like speaking two completely different languages compiance HOW THIS AFFECTS YOU PERSONALLY The two ships are indeed opposites, therefore they do not travel the same journey, they do not relate to each other therefore neither do the people on each. You will find that there are people around you that you no longer can have proper conversations with therefore you try to put on an act, you act interested in what they say or do but feel false and perhaps guilty for what seems like your unkindess. You cannot relate to them because you are Vibrating at a different frequency a different speed and your perception is wider and deeper. You see what they dont, you hear what they dont, you have realizations and insights that they don't . This happens with perhaps people you work with, meet in passing or people who are in your personal life. The latter is more difficult to cope with as you know you related to them before, before you knew yourself, before you really, truly knew them. Due to the fact that you didn’t see people clearly before, their motives and attitudes and who they turn out to be in this crisis , you actually imagined and created what they were like and who they were. You filled in the blanks. However now, you see them more clearly, you many realise that it is not who they are at all. You may see that their interest in you is minimal, they have little or nothing in common with you and their goals in life are very different. They ask how you are from a place of being polite rather that genuine care. You may have met them in circumstances where you really needed something or someone in your life and have created who they are in your mind, who you would like them to be. You have sort of “MADE THEM FIT”. Anything that hasn’t fitted with your creation or false perception of them, you have ignored and you end up only tuning into the part of them that blends with what you want to think of them. Realising who or what they are, does not necessarily make them wrong or bad, it just means that they vibrate at a different frequency from you. They don’t fit you and they don't relate to You either. If you had shoes that didn’t fit you, would you wear them? Would you keep them?Would you squeeze into them making them fit. Or would you let them go? When you meet someone now...you will be starting from a neutral perspective and see them more clearly for who they are and this knowledge and new ability you now have may surprise you. Although the two ships are separate, there are levels on each ship. For example there are different levels on the ship of goodness and people on each level may never meet. Therefore there are generally good people who simply have different aims, not much in common and different ways of looking at life, but the are both good people in their own ways. They may never pass each other on the ship. There may be no spiritual reason for their paths to cross, even if they have known each other before the ship’s arrival. There are also.current or did of evil and. Corruption in the other ship. Therefore the goodness ship brings people together but also separates people. You will know who to bring closer into your life and who to retract from it and of course this can be done gently and gradually. People often complain about division as though it's a negative result , however it depends who or what you are being divided from . Being divided from abuse is a good thing ! You can however,of course still send love and good wishes and light to all people and situations. I will, however, insist on expressing to you that everyone has the ability right now to choose but that choose will not be in front of You for much longer. THE BIG RELEASE People going through the stage of discontentment, the stage of confusion and the stage of being lost. Emotions are heightened and clearance needs to take place. All emotions have to go somewhere, need to be experienced and then released in appropriate ways such as crying, sighing, verbally or physically vented frustration or through expression such as talking, art, dance, writing or music. Once the “BIG RELEASE takes place there is a “Period of Reflection” PLEASE BE AWARE THAT YOU ARE NOT ONLY RELEASING EMOTIONS-YOU ARE RELEASING SITUATIONS AND PEOPLE . YOU WILL BE NATURALLY MOVING TOWARDS YOUR MATCHING VIBRATION AND AWAY FROM DISHARMONY AND AWAY FROM THAT WHICH DOES NOT FIT . YOUR ENERGY SO TO SPEAK WILL NO LONGER BE OUT OF TUNE AND THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU WILL BE IN TUNE WITH YOU . THIS WE CALL " THE TRANSITION " THE ONLY WAY FORWARD IS FOR YOU TO.LOOK WITHIN TO YOUR FEARS AND OTHER HIDDEN ISSUES AND REALISE THAT YOUR CHOICES MAY BE STEMMING FROM FEAR AND THAT FEAR MAY BE MAKING YOUR DECISIONS FOR YOU. THEREFORE WORKING WITH YOUR PERSONAL FEARS IS VITAL TO GIVE YOU THE FREEDOM YOU NEED TO.CHOOSE FROM YOUR SOUL AND FROM A SPACE OF LOVE FOR HUMANITY AND LIFE TRUTH AND NOT FROM THESE FEARS. PERIOD OF REFLECTION Individuals are able to look into themselves, really look in a way they never had before. Whatever is found is what they need to work on. They will be able to fast track and work on issues very quickly as time as you know seems it is speeding up. The main reason issues are worked on so quickly and emotions are heightened is that you are all downloading the ability to do so. You have never had this ability in your mental hard drive before. It gives you a brand new perspective and things that never bothered you before, do now (as they don’t fit on your ship choice). Things that you didn’t observe or notice before are obvious to you now (awareness expands because of your future work) and people you may have known for years will appear different to you and may not be necessary or productive or beneficial in your life. YOUR CHOICE of PEOPLE The choice of people you have in your life is vital. Who is around your energy , why they are there and how this blends is important as your energy is more deeply affected now.- By everything . Ask yourself “What am I gaining form this relationship? How am I benefiting in comparison to “What are they gaining form the relationship, is their learning here ? and how are they benefiting? It doesn’t matter how often a person is in your life, still ask these questions and if the benefits are not completely even then it may be an imbalance and the energy scales tip. As well as people, this also applies to situations and circumstances in your life. You will see the job you do more clearly, you will ask how it is benefiting you, asking what it brings to you. You will look around at your environment, asking does it fit? Have you “MADE IT FIT! Have you adapted it just to feel more comfortable or out of habit of the need to please or be approved of or because You follow others . You will be asking “What do I really want? Where am i going? And who will I be when I get there ? Questions become deeper. They need to be to allow your life to have deeper meaning. To put it simply- on the higher levels of the goodness ship- people are becoming more Spirit than physical. Therefore more Spirit than personality. You personality may have lead your life up until now, but now your Spirit of higher self attempts to lead the way (Incidentally, it knows what its doing and has no obstacles, issues or falseness).it vibrates on a frequency of love and not fear. HELP - EARTH TOOLS You have earth tools to assist you will all of this, such as plants, nature, sleep, medItation , journeying within to access what is true , right and the part you are playing in it a!l . Use of crystals, select yourself a variety of 7, all with their individual properties, you will have three major ones and the other 4 used periodically. I can provide information on this if you create and allocate yourself the time attend communication pursuits with me. OTHER TOOLS You have meditation as a tool. This balances emotions by giving them an outlet, a way of expressing and an after outlet settling period. It allows for the period of reflection to take place as described above and it provide opportunities for journeys into yourself as well as connection to all that is love, truth and harmony . It is a must if you want cleansing and balance. Another tool is the opportunity to talk and walk with like- minded people, allowing you to express, share and belong. You will find the appropriate place, appropriate people and enjoy the connection. Of course, you will have and develop your own individual and personal tools also. This may be enough information for now. Absorb what gels with you at this time. And please feel free to reject what you are not ready to accept.. Thank you for allocating this time to these words. Corinah expressing future insights . (Channelled through Linda . L.Anderson. 28th November 2011- Earth time) To be continued........Part 2. THE TRANSITION |
June 2014
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