“Are you, Do you?”
Did you know you could choose your own scenery.
The scenery of your life! What type of scenery surrounds your life?
Do you have tall, green trees, the sunshine
and birds singing their beautiful song
or do you have grey smog and
barriers and walls which are high and long
Do you have freedom, bliss and happiness
As you sing your way through the trees
Or do your have tones of misery and worry
And as you work till you fall on your knees
Do you have smiles for everyone, laughter and cheer
and you dance in the moonlight each night
Or do you have tears and what’s worse, fears
With the stars and the moon out of sight
Do you shine your skills brightly in your world,
being free letting all see your plight
Or do you hide your skills, unsure and reserved
And keep your light out of sight
There are so many places you could have
been- So why are you here, that’s the thing
And what is your purpose in this earthly world
And what abilities and skills did you bring
Are you using them for a society that
dictates what people need
Or are you using them independently,
choosing the ones you feed
Are you free to love and laugh and care
In any way you choose
Or do others place rules upon your soul
Which they, so sadly, abuse
Are you creating your own world,
with skills flowing every day
Serving your life purpose
in what is your own special way
Setting your self up to care,
to change the world where you can
Not allowing others to
dictate what they accept or bann
You are here for a reason
and only you can do that deed
So open your heart and connect with your spirit
and decide who and how you feed
Shine your light so brightly
that those who need it can see
And complete your life by saying,
I did it, simply as me.
Rise each and every morning,
with love and the light being your goal
And Make your journey beautiful,
you’re choosing your scenery for your soul
By Linda
“Are you, Do you?”
Did you know you could choose your own scenery.
The scenery of your life! What type of scenery surrounds your life?
Do you have tall, green trees, the sunshine
and birds singing their beautiful song
or do you have grey smog and
barriers and walls which are high and long
Do you have freedom, bliss and happiness
As you sing your way through the trees
Or do your have tones of misery and worry
And as you work till you fall on your knees
Do you have smiles for everyone, laughter and cheer
and you dance in the moonlight each night
Or do you have tears and what’s worse, fears
With the stars and the moon out of sight
Do you shine your skills brightly in your world,
being free letting all see your plight
Or do you hide your skills, unsure and reserved
And keep your light out of sight
There are so many places you could have
been- So why are you here, that’s the thing
And what is your purpose in this earthly world
And what abilities and skills did you bring
Are you using them for a society that
dictates what people need
Or are you using them independently,
choosing the ones you feed
Are you free to love and laugh and care
In any way you choose
Or do others place rules upon your soul
Which they, so sadly, abuse
Are you creating your own world,
with skills flowing every day
Serving your life purpose
in what is your own special way
Setting your self up to care,
to change the world where you can
Not allowing others to
dictate what they accept or bann
You are here for a reason
and only you can do that deed
So open your heart and connect with your spirit
and decide who and how you feed
Shine your light so brightly
that those who need it can see
And complete your life by saying,
I did it, simply as me.
Rise each and every morning,
with love and the light being your goal
And Make your journey beautiful,
you’re choosing your scenery for your soul
By Linda